Math 210 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
Spring 2025 Main Page

Dr. J. Lyn Miller, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Slippery Rock University                        

TENTATIVE Daily Calendar

The listings below are TENTATIVE as we start the semester.
Links are updated AFTER we meet each day, confirming that day's content, announcements, and assignments.
............Tuesday....................Thursday...............Monday (Online Due Dates Only).......
Handwritten Weekly Assessments (WAs)
are due Tuesdays at the start of class.
They cover material from the previous
Tuesday and Thursday.

There are lots of opportunities to
get help from me (daytime) or the
MAC tutors (evenings) before WAs are due.

Click each date link for actual lesson details.
An online Basic Competency covering
Tuesday's material is due before class on Thursdays.

That's only a 48-hour turn-around
so budget your study time carefully.

Click each date link for actual lesson details.
The online Basic Competency covering
Thursday's material is not due until the
FOLLOWING Monday, as are Bonus-
earning tasks for Tuesday's and Thursday's material.

I'll list Monday-Due items here at the
"END of the WEEK" as a reminder
that they deal with already-covered material.
Jan. 21 - Class Intro; Explanations in Math
(Click date link for lesson details.)
Jan. 23 - Problem Solving
(Click date link for lesson details.)
- RP 1 Basic Competency due by 2pm
Jan. 27 - from Jan. 21/23 content:
- RP 2 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 1-2 Bonuses (optional) due by 11:59pm
(All RP regular scoring is open until May 8.)
Jan. 28 - Problem Solving
- Weekly Assessment #1 due in class
Jan. 30 - Sequences/Patterns
- RP 3 Basic Competency due by 2pm
Feb. 3 - from Jan. 28/30 content:
- RP 4 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 3-4 Bonuses (optional) due by 11:59pm
Feb. 4 - Sequences/Patterns
- Weekly Assessment #2 due in class
Feb. 6 - Algebra for Teachers
- RP 5 Basic Competency due by 2pm
Feb. 10 - from Feb. 4/6 content:
- RP 6 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 5-6 Bonuses (optional) due by 11:59pm
Feb. 11 - Algebra for Teachers
- Weekly Assessment #3 due in class
Feb. 13 - Number Sentence Terminology
- RP 7 Basic Competency due by 2pm
Feb. 17 - from Feb. 11/13 content:
- RP 8 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 7-8 Bonuses (optional) due by 11:59pm
Feb. 18 - Whole Number Basics
- No Weekly Assessment due today
Feb. 20 - Exam #1
(Link to Topics List goes live 2-13)
- No RP Basic Competency due today
  but RP 1-8 *regular* scores are still open,
  available to maximize to 4/4 pts,
  and good for exam review.
Feb. 24 - from Feb. 18 content:
- RP 9 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 9 Bonus (optional) due by 11:59pm
Feb. 25 - Whole Number Scenarios
- Weekly Assessment #4 has MOVED:
DUE in class Thursday OR by email (PDF) 4pm Friday
Feb. 27 - Whole Number Arithmetic
- RP 10 Basic Competency due by 2pm
Mar. 3 - from Feb. 25/27 content:
- RP 11 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 10-11 Bonus (optional) due by 11:59pm
Mar. 4 - Whole Number Arithmetic
- Weekly Assessment #5 has MOVED:
DUE in class Thursday OR by email (PDF) 4pm Friday
Mar. 6 - Whole Number Arithmetic
- RP 12 Basic Competency due by 2pm
Mar. 17 (AFTER Break!) - from Mar. 4/6 content:
- RP 13 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 12-13 Bonus (optional) due by 11:59pm
Mar. 11 - Spring Break
No SRU classes today
Mar. 13 - Spring Break
No SRU classes today
See above for what's due Monday, Mar. 17.
Mar. 18 - Whole Number Arithmetic
- Weekly Assessment #6 due in class
Mar. 20 - Historical Numeration Systems
- RP 14 Basic Competency due by 2pm
Mar. 24 - from Mar. 18/20 content:
- RP 15 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 14-15 Bonus (optional) due by 11:59pm
Mar. 25 - Number Theory
- No Weekly Assessment due today
Mar. 27 - Exam #2 (tentative date)
(Link to Topics List goes live 3-20)
- No RP Basic Competency due today
  but RP 9-15 *regular* scores are still open,
  available to maximize to 4/4 pts,
  and good for exam review.
Mar. 31 - from Mar. 25 content:
- RP 16 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 16 Bonus (optional) due by 11:59pm
Apr. 1 - Number Theory
- Weekly Assessment #7 due in class
Apr. 3 - Number Theory
- RP 17 Basic Competency due by 2pm
Apr. 7 - from Apr. 1/3 content:
- RP 18 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 17-18 Bonus (optional) due by 11:59pm
Apr. 8 - Number Theory
- Weekly Assessment #8 due in class
Apr. 10 - Ratio and Proportion
- RP 19 Basic Competency due by 2pm
Apr. 14 - from Apr. 8/10 content:
- RP 20 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 19-20 Bonus (optional) due by 11:59pm
Apr. 15 - Ratio/Proportion
- Weekly Assessment #9 due in class
Apr. 17 - Ratio/Proportion
- RP 21 Basic Competency due by 2pm
Apr. 21 - from Apr. 15/17 content:
- RP 22 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 21-22 Bonus (optional) due by 11:59pm
Apr. 22 - Fractions
- No Weekly Assessment due today
Apr. 24 - Exam #3 (tentative date)
(Link to Topics List goes live 4-17)
- No RP Basic Competency due today
  but RP 16-22 *regular* scores are still open,
  available to maximize to 4/4 pts,
  and good for exam review.
Apr. 28 - from Apr. 22 content:
- RP 23 Basic Competency due by 2pm
- RP 23 Bonus (optional) due by 11:59pm
Apr. 29 - Fractions
- Weekly Assessment #10 due in class
May 1 - Fractions and Review
- RP 24 Basic Competency due by 2pm
May 5 - from Apr. 29/May 1 content:
- Tentative RP 25 Basic Comp. due by 2pm
- RP 24-25 Bonus (optional) due by 11:59pm
(All RP regular scoring is open until May 8.)
Monday, May 5, is the last day of classes.
Final exams begin TUESDAY, May 6.

(There MAY be an OPTIONAL WA #11
due late this week. We'll discuss as a class.)
THURSDAY, May 8, 10:30-12:30
Final Exam
(Link to Topics List opens Apr. 29)

ALL RP regular scores (RPs 1-25) are
  open until 10:30am, able to maximize
  to 4/4 pts, and good for exam review.
Final Exam dates are NOT tentative.
You MUST take the Final Exam
at the SRU-scheduled time.


    Course Documents   
    Current Semester   

  • Dr. Miller's Office Hours, Contact Info
  • Course Syllabus
  • Policy on solutions to assignments and exams
  • Exam Topics Lists
  • Selected Past Exams and Solutions
  • Full list of Course Admin Documents