Math 235 - Foundations of Mathematical Proof
Spring 2025 Daily Assignments and Tasks
- My teaching style is very adaptive, so I only post class assignments and tasks as we become ready to cover that material.
- These are labeled Preliminary before class.
- AFTER class, I adjust the list to accommodate for any flexing we did DURING class that day, and mark the listing Confirmed.
Listings go in order of most RECENT date on top.
***** WEEK ONE IS BELOW. *****
- Confirmed From Friday, Jan. 24, 2025 - What is proof?, Direct Proof
- Study your notes.
- Read:
- Text: Preface to the Student: pp.xii-xiv
- Text: Section 1.4: pp.28-33
- Omit the 2nd example on p.31.
- Beware typo: In the 1st example on p.31, we should see x->2, NOT x->0.
- Text: pp.64-66
- Text: Section 1.7: p.67 through top paragraph on p.68
- Xeroxed excerpt from Epp (also posted as PDF in D2L reading Content)
- Xeroxed handout "Some Mathematical Conventions" (also posted in D2L reading Content)
- HW #1 is still due Monday.
- HW #2 is due Friday, Jan. 31, by 4pm in my office or office mailbox.
- HW is regularly due on Friday afternoons for this course.
- Remember always to leave lots of room for my written feedback.
- I prefer that you submit a physical copy, but in unusual circumstances, we can arrange an alternative submission.
- You are also welcome to give me your physical HW at class-time.
- Confirmed From Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025 - Course Intro, Review of Logic
- Study your notes.
- Review as needed from:
- Your relevant notes and text from Discrete Math
- There are excerpts from the Fall 2024 Discrete Math text in D2L Content.
- Sections 1.1-1.3 in THIS SEMESTER's text (pp.1-28)
- ESPECIALLY the middle of p.14 in our text, covering "only if," trailing "if," etc.
- HW #1 is due MONDAY, Jan. 28, by 4pm.
- Always leave lots of room for my written feedback on HWs for this course.
- You may put your physical copy in my Department mailbox, or bring it to my office.
- In unusual circumstances, I can accept a PDF-format as ONE file sent via email, but I prefer the physical original.
- You are also welcome to give me your physical HW at class-time.
- Monday, Jan. 20, 2025 - MLK Day
Dr. J. Lyn Miller, Mathematics and Statistics, Slippery Rock University