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3.5. Internal Hardware

Hardware Overview

basic computer processes with some of the hardware we covered included along with examples on input and output devices
By Paul Mullins: constructed image

In the first module, we saw a simple block diagram of the computer processing data and creating information. This is simply an update with some of the hardware we talked about shown (along with some sample I/O devices). It's still simple!

The Brains

Lots of people call the CPU the brain of the computer — an overly simple analogy. But if we're going to use it, let's include the brain's short-term or working memory, RAM with cache being even shorter-term memory. If you share my distaste for the label of "brain", we can call it the computer's "processor system".

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Attribution: Dr. Paul Mullins, Slippery Rock University
These notes began life as the Wikiversity course Introduction to Computers.
The course draws extensively from and uses links to Wikipedia.
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