Citrix Directions
- Access the citrix server:
- The first time you use the system on a machine from the web, you will need
to install the citrix ICA Web client. Click on the ICA client link and follow
the directions on the page.
- run the client (Click open after the download)
- click yes to install
- accept the license agreement
- Close your browser and restart it
- Login using your university id and password along with the Domain "srunet"
- To access the applications, click on the Computer Science folder
- Select the application (e.g. Dev C++)
- BE PATIENT while it loads
- Select full access to use both your home drives and University drives
- Examine the FILE OPEN option in the application
- Any drive with a $ is on your local machine, so C$ is your hard drive
- Drives without a $ are campus drives, so C is the citrix server hard
- Notice that the cpscsql server is an option and can be written to from
off campus