Meeting convened at 4:02pm.
Present: Tom Ahlborn, West Chester; Joe Cannon, Kutztown; Tom Cunningham, Indiana; David Hutchens, Millersville; Joe Molnar, Edinboro; Bob Montante, Bloomsburg; Mary Robinson-Slabey, Mansfield; Joseph Thomas, Shippensburg. (The representative from Slippery
Rock was absent following an ankle sprain.)
Minutes from March 31, 2001 were distributed.
The treasurer's report, showing a current balance of $4731.41, was accepted.
Mary Robinson-Slabey announced her retirement and resignation as Board secretary. Bob Montante agreed to nomination as the new secretary, and was approved on voice vote.
Joe Thomas described a question about tax liability from the IRS. On advice from John Arch, he has prepared a letter of response indicating or non-profit status and minimal income. The letter is signed by the President and the Treasurer.
Joe Thomas also reported an application to transfer the PACISE banking account to the PSECU (Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union). The application requires a request for membership from either the organization membership or the executive board. A motion to request membership passed without dissent.
The date for the 2002 Annual Conference at Slippery Rock has not been finalized. The first or second weekend in April is a likely possibility. The organizers have requested suggestions for a conference theme. A question was also raised about the needed number of hotel room reservations.
Joe Cannon suggested an invited speaker from the University of Pittsburgh, on the topic of robotic controls.
It was estimated that the 2001 Conference at Edinboro required roughly 40 hotel rooms.
Mary Micco transmitted a request to do a presentation at the conference about IUP's Security Workshop. This might take any of a number of forms.
Security was suggested as a possible theme for the 2002 conference.
Edinboro received a $1500 donation from State Farm Insurance to support the 2001 Programming Contest and Conference, and spent about half. They propose to forward the remaining $799.60 to Slippery Rock for the 2002 Conference. A motion was passed for the president to write an official letter of gratitude to State Farm for the donation.
A motion was made to invite non-PACISE 4-year schools to the conference. There were three non-PACISE attendees at the 2001 conference. Following a question about 2-year schools, the motion was amended to invite non-conference educational institutions. The motion passed.
A motion was made, and carried, to include student presentations and encourage alumni presentations.
A suggestion was made that Friday evening Birds-of-a-Feather sessions be scheduled near the Programming Contest Practice, to allow team advisors to participate in the BOF sessions.
Joe Cannon volunteered Kutztown to host the 2006 annual conference.
A motion was made and passed that the secretary register "" as the organization's URL with redirection to wherever the website is actually hosted. Up to $100 was authorized. Member schools will be urged to link to this URL, and also to remove any outdated PACISE pages. Mary Robinson-Slabey indicated that John Phillips at Mansfield is agreeable to set up the actual website hosting.
In response to a question from the general membership, a motion was made not to offer membership in PACISE to non-SSHE schools. Tom Cunningham spoke in favor of the motion, citing a desire to interact with sister SSHE institutions. Tom Ahlborn voiced a philosophical objection to the exclusion. The motion was carried, with dissent.
No progress report on the PACISE Journal, which was discussed at the prior meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 5:32pm. The next meeting will be Friday, January 18, 2002, at 4pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Montante
PACISE Secretary