The Pennsylvania Association of Computer and Information Science Educators
Executive Board Meeting
Milesburg, PA
Friday, September 19, 2008
- Meeting called to order at 4:12pm.
Present: Bloomsburg -- Bob Montante
; California -- Lisa Kovalchik ; Clarion -- Jon O'Donnell
; East Stroudsburg -- James Emert
; Edinboro -- Joseph Molnar ; Indiana -- Soundararajan Ezekiel
; Kutztown -- Joo Tan ; Lock Haven -- Susan H. Strayer
; Mansfield -- Jaesung Sim ;
Millersville -- David Hutchens ; Shippensburg -- Dave Mooney
; Slippery Rock -- Bernie Zhou
; West Chester -- Afrand Agah - Minutes from the April meeting were approved with corrections, as usual.
- The Treasurer's report shows a healthy balance --- "... a lot of money." Funds are available to cover conference costs.
Treasurer observed that Cheney, Mansfield, and East Stroudsburg are not active and not paying dues.
A motion was made and approved to reimburse Kutztown for expenses rather than use their Alumni Association grant for $700.
- 2008 Conference proceedings are available, and expenses were submitted to the Treasurer.
- The site for the 2011 conference was brought up. Millersville cannot host it as they will be having a certification site visit then. A volunteer is still needed.
- Concerns were raised stemming from the 2008 conference.
- Edinboro's programming team were extremely unhappy. They walked out early, feeling that judges were helping teams.
- The programming team coach refuses to participate anymore.
- Some faculty had problems involving late registration.
- The schedule caused problems for some people. Scheduling guidelines were proposed:
Fridays dedicated to student presentations, dinner and keynote speech, and contest practice.
- A suggestion was made to move the contest to 8am -- 11am, and schedule student presentations between 11am and Noon.
- Saturday events finish early enough for people to travel home in the afternoon.
- A "subcommittee" was proposed to draft rules for programming contests. Possible members are S. Strayer, R. Montante, J. Molnar; Carol (?) from Shippensburg, Todd (P?) from Millersville, and Michael Cullen from Slippery Rock.
- Bernie Zhou discussed plans for the 2009 Slippery Rock conference.
- Conference theme: Web applications.
- Co-chairs are Bernie Zhou and Paul Mullins.
- Local papers chair is Dale Feregny.
- Since April 10 is Good Friday, a tentative conference date of April 3-4 was suggested. Supporting dates are then:
- 2/20 - submission deadline
- 3/9 - acceptance notification
- 3/20 - camera-ready papers due
- 3/9 -- 4/3 - registrations accepted
- The editorial board for the journal was discussed. Board members will be Dave Mooney, David Hutchens, and Dale Feregny. More reviewers are needed than last time, at least one per school.
- A student will design the conference webpage.
- A demonstration and competition featuring Alice programs is planned.
- A prize will be awarded for best student paper.
- Programming contest winners will receive gift cards for $75, $50, and $25, at a Circuit City or similar store.
- Suggestions for sponsors would be appreciated.
- Further discussion followed on the responsibilities of the editorial board chair, and the review process.
- The double-blind process led to complications last time.
- It was proposed that submissions be sent directly to Dave Mooney; and likewise for unreviewed abstracts.
- (The Milesburg Holiday Inn ran out of Dr. Pepper, because of a big Penn State game coming the next day.)
- A motion was passed to appoint Bernie Zhou as the PACISE Webmaster.
- Joe Cannon has requested that Harrisburg University be allowed to join PACISE. This led to discussion and questions about what H.U. is. In particular, is it accredited? Is it associated with the Harrisburg School District? Joe will be asked for further
information. In the meantime, they will be encouraged to attend the conference in any case.
- The January meeting will be held in Bloomsburg as a videoconference.
- The meeting adjourned at 6:44pm.
Respectfully submitted,
R A Montante
PACISE Secretary