The Pennsylvania Association of Computer and Information Science Educators
Executive Board Meeting
Lock Haven University of PA
Friday, January 22, 2010
This meeting is concurrent with the 2099 Spring Conference at ___ University.
This meeting was conducted largely through videoconferencing.
Meeting called to order at 3:04pm.
Present: Bloomsburg -- Bob Montante
; California -- Lisa Kovalchick;
Clarion -- Soo Kim;
Edinboro -- Joseph Molnar;
Harrisburg University -- Joe Cannon;
Kutztown -- Yong Zhang;
Lock Haven -- Susan H. Strayer;
Millersville -- David Hutchens;
Shippensburg -- Dave Mooney;
West Chester -- Afrand Agah .
Minutes from the previous Board meeting were approved without changes.
The Treasurer's report, previously emailed, contained no changes. The report was approved and accepted on voice vote.
(Some audio difficulties were noted with the videoconference setup.)
Conference status: Afrand Agah reported that everything was ready.
No submissions received; a redistribution of the CfP was requested.
Fourteen reviewers identified, more desired. The target workload is 2-3 papers per reviewer.
No BoF sessions proposed.
West Chester was uncertain about needed support for the programming contest.
The Lock Haven contest had some 20+ teams.
W.C. is to contact Slippery Rock about last year's experience.
Future conference sites:
West Chester
Other business and discussion:
There was some discussion about a Journal, as opposed to a Conference Proceedings.
A question was raised about encouraging student involvement. The idea was generally considered favorably. One suggestion was to make a conference paper or presentation part of a suitable upper-level class.
The idea of holding the January Board meetings after the paper submission deadlines was offered, as a way to get more exact paper counts. Previous January meetings served to check on preparations and identify assistance where needed; things were left at
The meeting adjourned at 3:28pm.
Respectfully submitted, R A Montante
PACISE Secretary