Lab 3: First Javacript Program

This will be completed in class and graded based upon completion. You will place the completed lab in cpscstorage02 in the Lab3 folder
    HTML setup:
  1. Open HTML kit and start a new project
  2. Using html, document your name
  3. Create a table with 4 rows and 2 columns
  4. Each row will contain the Javascript function code in the first column and the working code in the second column for the 4 items below.
  5. Note that you will need to nest tables to get the format working correctly
    To display the code for the Javascript function in the first column, you will need to use the <pre> tag
    To properly display your code, you will need to use &lt; to display < and &gt; to display >
    The second column will contain the HTML table as pictured below and invoke your javascript function
    Recall the table from Chapter 4 Notes
  6. Partial Solution

    Write the HTML code and Javascript functions for these metric to English conver sions:
  1. convert liters to cups, quarts and gallons.
  2. Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
  3. Convert kilograms to pounds
  4. Convert feet to meters
Use this image as a guide:
A complete solution might resemble this: