CpSc 130 - Intro to Programming and Computing
Cascading Style Sheets Basics
- CSS permits you to style your web pages
- You can place styles within HTML tags, in the head section of a web page
or in a separate file.
- For creating a web site that has a uniform "look and feel", use a
separate file for CSS
- For this class, most of your styles will be within HTML tags
- Styles consist of a propertyName: Value
- Here's a sample of inline styles to change the margins and borders for a paragraph tag:
<p style="margin: 20px; border: solid red 2px;">
This paragraph has increased margins and is surrounded by a rectangular box <p>
This paragraph has increased margins and is surrounded by a rectangular box
- The syntax for placing styles in the head section is a bit different.
- Use the style start and end tag
- define styles for the html elements using the name of the element
body {margin-left: 30px; margin-right: 15px; background-color: #ffffff }
p { font-size: 24px;}
The affected elements are the body and paragraph tag
We are just going to learn the basics, but I encourage you to learn more!
A great reference for CSS http://htmlcheatsheet.com/css/"
CSS properties list
Lets try it:
- Save this page (CSS.html) and modify it by adding style to the head
- Modify body tag to have :
background-color of white
color of black
font-family of sans-serif
margin of 1.5em
margin-top of 0em
margin-right of 1em
- Modify pre tag to have :
margin-top of 0.5em
margin-bottom of 0.5em
font-family of monospace
- Modify li tag to have :
font-weight of bold
- Modify hr tag to have :
background-color of rgb(24,95,153)
border-style of none
height of 2px
- The details of each property are here
- Styled page should look like this