Sample Form 4

Examples of radio buttons. Note that there are two sets of buttons. The spacing/grouping is not what connects the buttons. It's the name given to the various buttons.

The label for the button is provided as text. The values are what a web app would get to indicate the choice. (Notice that I used a single word for each.)

Green Beens

Coca Cola
Mountain Dew

The HTML used to create the form above:

  <input type="Radio" name="group1" value="broccoli"> Broccoli<br>
  <input type="Radio" name="group1" value="spinach"> Spinach<br>
  <input type="Radio" name="group1" value="corn"> Corn<br>
  <input type="Radio" name="group1" value="greenBeans"> Green Beens</p>
  <input type="Radio" name="group2" value="pepsi"> Pepsi<br>
  <input type="Radio" name="group2" value="coke"> Coca Cola<br>
  <input type="Radio" name="group2" value="mountainDew"> Mountain Dew</p>