Sample Form 6

Return to radio buttons. Those sweeteners probably should have been radio buttons. (Who needs more than one?) Only this time I intententionally used the same name for two groups.

Try selecting sugar and broccoli.

Green Beens

Coca Cola
Mountain Dew

Brown Sugar
Artificial Sweetener

The HTML used to create the form above:

  <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="broccoli"> Broccoli<br>
  <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="spinach"> Spinach<br>
  <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="corn"> Corn<br>
  <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="greenBeans"> Green Beens
  <input type="Radio" name="drink" value="pepsi"> Pepsi<br>
  <input type="Radio" name="drink" value="coke"> Coca Cola<br>
  <input type="Radio" name="drink" value="mountainDew">Mountain Dew
  <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="sugar">Sugar<br>
  <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="brownSugar">Brown Sugar<br>
  <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="subst">Artificial Sweetener<br>