Return to radio buttons. Those sweeteners probably should have been radio buttons. (Who needs more than one?) Only this time I intententionally used the same name for two groups.
Try selecting sugar and broccoli.
<form> <p> <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="broccoli"> Broccoli<br> <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="spinach"> Spinach<br> <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="corn"> Corn<br> <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="greenBeans"> Green Beens </p> <p> <input type="Radio" name="drink" value="pepsi"> Pepsi<br> <input type="Radio" name="drink" value="coke"> Coca Cola<br> <input type="Radio" name="drink" value="mountainDew">Mountain Dew </p> <p> <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="sugar">Sugar<br> <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="brownSugar">Brown Sugar<br> <input type="Radio" name="sweetener" value="subst">Artificial Sweetener<br> </p> </form>