Write a C++ program that encrypts text. The user will type in a 26 character key from the keyboard. This key is to be used to encrypt text by substituting the first character for an 'A', the second for a 'B', ... and the last in place of a 'Z'.
The first input is the 26 character text.
The second input is a number that indicates how many lines of length
40 will be entered for encryption.
Enter the encryption key: QWErtyuiopLKJHGfdsaZxcvBNM Enter text to encrypt: faced zoo yqetr mgg ------------------------------------------------------------- Enter the encryption key: QWERTyuIOPLKJHGfdsaZXCVBnm Enter text to encrypt: FacEd Zoo YqeTr Mgg -------------------------------------------------------------Hints:
LIFE is a multicellular communal organism that inhabits the deserts of Flatland. The desert is organized in a square array with each square capable of holding one LIFE cell. LIFE generations mark the passage of time, each generation bringing births and deaths to the LIFE community.