Putting it All together

This is a graded lab worth 5 pts. You may work in pairs to complete this BY THE END OF THE CLASS.

  1. Start with an empty main
  2. Write a function named printit that accepts an integer and prints the message "My number is " followed by the value of the parameter and then a new line. Change the value of the parameter to be their number * 100
  3. Add the following to the main
    int x=20;
    cout << "X is: " << x << endl;
  4. Write a function named printit that accepts 3 characters (by value) and prints the last character followed by the second character, followed by the first character followed by the newline
  5. Add the following to the main
    printit('c', 'a', 't');
  6. Write a function named printit that accepts two doubles and returns the product of the two parameters
  7. Add the following to the main
    cout <<  printit(55.22, .0675);
  8. Move the three functions to AFTER main
  9. Write prototypes for the three functions
  10. Copy the text of your code to the Lab 5 dropbox