whit@granite:~/public_html/cpsc146/Samples[?1034h[whit@granite Samples]$ cat trunc.cpp
using namespace std;
int main()
float x;
cout << "Enter a floating point number => ";
cin >> x;
cout << "without formatting x is: " << x << endl;
cout << "formatted with fixed, showpoint and setprecion(2) x is: " ;
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2)<< x << endl;
cout << "after formatting x is: " << x << endl;
return 0;
whit@granite:~/public_html/cpsc146/Samples[whit@granite Samples]$ ./a.out
Enter a floating point number => 1234.6789
without formatting x is: 1234.68
formatted with fixed, showpoint and setprecion(2) x is: 1234.68
after formatting x is: 1234.68
whit@granite:~/public_html/cpsc146/Samples[whit@granite Samples]$ ./a.out
Enter a floating point number => 4.5678
without formatting x is: 4.5678
formatted with fixed, showpoint and setprecion(2) x is: 4.57
after formatting x is: 4.57
whit@granite:~/public_html/cpsc146/Samples[whit@granite Samples]$ ./a.out
Enter a floating point number => 1.23456789
without formatting x is: 1.23457
formatted with fixed, showpoint and setprecion(2) x is: 1.23
after formatting x is: 1.23