
Create a script to display the appropriate Unix command and the result of the command for each of the following: (use /usr/share/dict/words)
You should show me the command also (e.g., echo it and then run it). For example, if question one is to display the lines the first 10 lines of the dictionary , your script would contain the following two lines:

echo "1. head words"
head words

Set a variable w to the dictionary(words)
  1. (2 pts) Display the 8th line of the dictionary
  2. (2 pts) Display the lines 25-50 (inclusive) of the dictionary
  3. (2 pts) Display the last 20 lines of the dictionary
  4. (2 pts) Display the 8th line from the END of the dictionary
  5. (2 pts) Display the number of characters in the 28th line of the dictionary
  6. (5 pts) Give all of the code to paste the first 10 lines and the last 10 lines of the dictionary together
    use /tmp for an intermediary files
  7. (5 pts) Give all of the code to display only the number of characters in the first 5 files in /usr/bin
    Do not show the total
    use /tmp for an intermediary files
    uniquely name the intermediary files
    delete the intermediary files after the paste is complete

To hand in this assignment:
move the code and the output to obisdian dropbox (call the script assign5 and the output assign5.out, PLEASE)