The awk Language
Command Description
sh-2.02$ cat cars
plym	fury	77	73	2500
chevy	nova	79	60	3000
ford 	mustang	65	45	10000 ford
volvo	gl	78	102	9850
ford	ltd	83	15	10500
chevy	nova	80	50	3500
fiat	600	65	115	450
honda	accord	81	30	6000
ford	thundbd	84	10	17000
toyota	tercel	82	180	750
chevy	impala	65	85	1550
ford	bronco	83	25	9500
The cars file
sh-2.02$ awk '/chevy/' cars
chevy	nova	79	60	3000
chevy	nova	80	50	3500
chevy	impala	65	85	1550
Look for pattern chevy.
sh-2.02$ awk '{print $3, $1} ' cars
77 plym
79 chevy
65 ford
78 volvo
83 ford
80 chevy
65 fiat
81 honda
84 ford
82 toyota
65 chevy
83 ford
Print column 3 followed by a space, followed by column 1
sh-2.02$ awk '/chevy/ {print $3 $1}' cars
Print column 3 followed by column 1
sh-2.02$ awk '/chevy/ {print $3, $1}' cars
79 chevy
80 chevy
65 chevy
For those lines with chevy in them, print column 3 space by column 1
sh-2.02$ awk '/h/' cars
chevy	nova	79	60	3000
chevy	nova	80	50	3500
honda	accord	81	30	6000
ford	thundbd	84	10	17000
chevy	impala	65	85	1550
Print records with an "h" in them
sh-2.02$ awk '$1 ~ /h/' cars
chevy	nova	79	60	3000
chevy	nova	80	50	3500
honda	accord	81	30	6000
chevy	impala	65	85	1550
Print records where the first column contains an "h"
sh-2.02$ awk '$1 ~ /^h/' cars
honda	accord	81	30	6000
Print records where the first column begins with an "h"
sh-2.02$ awk '$2 ~ /^[tm]/ {print $3, $2, "$" $5}' cars
65 mustang $10000
84 thundbd $17000
82 tercel $750
Print column3 column2 $column5 for those records that start with a t or m.
sh-2.02$ awk '$3 ~ /5$/ {print $3, $1, "$" $5}' cars
65 ford $10000
65 fiat $450
65 chevy $1550
Print column3 column2 $column5 for those records where clumn 3 ends with a 5.
sh-2.02$ awk '$3 == 65' cars
ford 	mustang	65	45	10000 ford
fiat	600	65	115	450
chevy	impala	65	85	1550
Print those records where column three is the number 65.
sh-2.02$ awk '$5 <= 3000' cars
plym	fury	77	73	2500
chevy	nova	79	60	3000
fiat	600	65	115	450
toyota	tercel	82	180	750
chevy	impala	65	85	1550
Print those records where column five is numerically less than or equal to 3000.
sh-2.02$ awk '$5 >= "2000" && $5 < "9000"' cars
plym	fury	77	73	2500
chevy	nova	79	60	3000
chevy	nova	80	50	3500
fiat	600	65	115	450
honda	accord	81	30	6000
toyota	tercel	82	180	750
Print those records where column five is textually between 2000 and 9000.
sh-2.02$ awk '$5 >= 2000 && $5 < 9000' cars
plym	fury	77	73	2500
chevy	nova	79	60	3000
chevy	nova	80	50	3500
honda	accord	81	30	6000
Print those records where column five is numerically between 2000 and 9000.
sh-2.02$ awk '/volvo/ , /fiat/' cars
volvo	gl	78	102	9850
ford	ltd	83	15	10500
chevy	nova	80	50	3500
fiat	600	65	115	450
Print those records from the line that has volvo on it until the line with fiat on it.
sh-2.02$ awk '/chevy/ , /ford/' cars
chevy	nova	79	60	3000
ford 	mustang	65	45	10000 ford
chevy	nova	80	50	3500
fiat	600	65	115	450
honda	accord	81	30	6000
ford	thundbd	84	10	17000
chevy	impala	65	85	1550
ford	bronco	83	25	9500
Print those records from the line that has chevy on it until the line with ford on it. Notice that multiple such occurences exist.