Scripting in decades past was done in DOS (Disk Operating System). Scripts in Windows can be created with several different tools.
Power Shell
Description | Command |
make a new directory | mkdir dirname |
change directory | cd dirname |
change to higher directory | cd .. |
list contents of a text file | type filename |
copy a file to the directory you created (The file will have the same name) |
copy filename dirname |
change directory | cd dirname |
rename a file (named filename1) | rename filename1 newname |
delete a file | del filename |
Remove a directory | rmdir dirname |
Display a text file | type filename |
Comment | REM |
create a variable | set -name abcd -value 26
$abcd set mmmm 4444 echo $mmmm |
More DOS commands:
Description | Command |
put directory list into somefile | dir > somefile |
get help on the dir command | get-help dir -detailed | more help dir -detailed |
get a list of available commandss | help * |
get a list of variables and their values | variable | more |
show variable value | echo $pwd
echo $PWD echo hello $PWD echo "hello $PWD" |
clear the screen | CLS |
End the current shell | exit |
Un set a variable | clear-variable mmmm |
Remove a variable | remove-variable mmmm |
Reset built-in variable ??? | set PSHOME C:\ |
End the current shell | exit |