Homework 1
Due: September 6 th
10 points
This assignment is to introduce you to the phonegap setup.
The "code" is extremely simple - html table consisting of information
about 10 books (see details below).
You will need to:
- install phonegap desktop
- install phonegap app onto a phone
- create the simple table
- put the table html code into a new project
- demonstrate it via the phonegap app
Center a 10 row, 3 column table with your 10 must read books
- Left column contains cover image (appropriately sized) and
hyperlink citation for the image source
- Middle column contains the title, author and description of the book
and why I should read it in Calibri font. If you copy this from a source, then you MUST include
a link to the source
- Right column contains at list two links:
- information about the author
- information about the book
- This is an HTML only solution - you are not allowed to use javascript or CSS
- NOTE THIS CHANGE: HTML 5 does not support the
width= attribute. Therefore, you may use style=width: in this assignment
To hand in the assignment, move all components of the Phonegap structure to the homework1 folder
on the java drive. You can drag and drop the entire structure or zip it up AND
unzip it.