Todo List App
Due: December 11th
100 points
Create a todo app that permits the user to enter todo items, their priority,
and due date. The app should show items already on the list,
allow addition to the list
and maintain the data between uses.
Functionality must include
- Multiple pages
- A splash page with group member names
and a link to the app
- The actual app page
- Adding a new item
- Description
- Due date - choose calendar date
- Priority: high (orange), med (yellow), low (blue)
- Category: Work, Personal
- Changing an item's priority
- Deleting an item
- Automatically showing overdue items in red, bold font
- Automatically show items due today as bold
- Automatically saving the list between uses of app - use a file
- Should write to file after an item is entered
- New item goes into todo list and the fields
should be cleared for a new item to be entered
- Maintain the list being shown as Sorted by date
- Checking off an item as complete
Extra Credit Items
- Adding a new item to the frequent (i.e., favorites) list
- Adding a category
- Adding a todo item from the frequent list
- Deleting entire list
- Ask if it should be deleted
- Option to add to frequent list
- Option to add to frequent list
- Changing an item's priority (high (orange), med (yellow), low (blue))
- Use CSS classes so that a future improvement of the user selecting
their own color scheme is easily done
- Sorting the list
- By date
- By category
- By priority
- Any combination of the three
To hand in the assignment, move all components of the Phonegap structure to the Project folder on the java drive.
The project(100 points) will be presented (20 points)
during the 2 hour exam period December 11th at 3:30