The notes found on these pages all reference the textbook given above.
Unless otherwise stated, the citation of the information on these web pages
is that text.
Defining Functions
- name - Use same rules for naming variable identifiers
- Optional paramters
- Body of Code - any Javascript statement
- Template
- function functionName (params)
- {
- FunctionBody
- }
function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
var dx = x2 -x1;
var dy = y2 - y1;
return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy+dy);
- Note: Javascript permits the nesting of function definitions
Invoking Functions
functionName (paramValues); //
- var = functionName (paramValues);
- ans = distance ( 3, 8, 4, 9);
Function Semantics
- The function call
- Control is transferred from the caller to callee
- Parameters are passed in in-order
- Memory is allocated for local variables (including parameters
passed by value)
- The body of the function is executed
- Function Return
- If there is a return value, it is calculated
and returned to caller
- Memory for local variables is deallocated
- Control is transferred back to the caller
- Can set methods to functions and invoke using method
- o.m = f; // f is a function, o is an object, m is a method
var calculator = {
operand1: 1,
operand2: 1,
add: function() {
this.result = this.operand1 + this.operand2;
alert (calculator.result);
- Method Chaining - when method returns object, you can use the return
value of one invocation to call another method
Arguments and Parameters
- A copy of the value of the actual argument is placed in the memory
location for the formal parameter
- Default type of passing parameters
- Value arguments are like local variables, but function gets them
function fee(hoursWorked, minutesWorked)
- Choosing Formal Parameter Names
Use a meaningful name within the function
It does not need to be the same name as the calling function
- Be careful of types of arguments - passed in order
- Variable-length arument list
function f (x, y, z)
if (arguments.length != 3){
throw new Error ("function called with " + arguments.length +
" arguments, but expected 3")
// function code
Using functions to store values implicitly
Scope (Closures)
- lexical scoping - where the are defined, not where they are invoked from
- Consider the following example - perhaps we shouldn't code this way
function counter () {
var n = 0;
return {
count: function() {return n++: },
reset: function() {return 0; }
var c=counter(), d=counter(); // two SEPARATE counters
c.count() // 0 - note it is a post increment
d.count() // 0, they count independently
c.reset() // set c to 0
c.count() // 0
d.count() // 1
Function Properties, Methods, and Constructors
- arguments.length // number of arguments passed in
- arguments.callee.length // number of arguments expected
- toString() applied to functions usually returns the code of the function
- Different in some browsers
- functions are usually defined with the function keyword, but can
also be created with the new Function constructor
- var f = new Function("x", "y", "return x*y;");