Assignment 5
CpSc 217 - Structured and Dynamic WebProgramming
Spring 2016

Due: April 14th
40 points

The objectives of this assignment are to utilize the String object, rewrite web pages using iframes and div tags, and MOST importantly verify form input. It should also further your understanding of the document object model, arrays, and document properties. Please note the assessment sheet that I will use in grading your assignment.

You have the option of working in pairs on this assignment. If you choose to, you will submit one piece of code with both of your names documented and the web page must include both of your names.

Create a web page that is a timed test. The page must consist of:
  • images that move across the top of the page every 15 seconds using IFRAMES. Create images for:
    1. 1 minute
    2. 45 seconds
    3. 30 seconds
    4. 15 seconds
    5. Time is up
  • When the page loads, the 1 min image is displayed on the left
  • After 15 seconds, the 45 seconds image is displayed to the right of where the 1 min image was loaded
  • After 30 seconds, the 30 seconds image is displayed to the right of where the 45 secs image was loaded
  • After 45 seconds, the 15 seconds image is displayed to the right of where the 30 secs image was loaded
  • After 1 minute, the time is up image is displayed where the images where, stretching across the width of the "moving" images

  • A form of questions about an academic institution
  • include your name on the bottom page at the center
Form details
  • The form is to resemble the image on the right:
  • When submitted, each entry must be validated. If all entries are correct, pop-up a new window with the selections that were made.
    • Institution is permitted to contain letters, hyphens, apostrophes, and periods. It can be at most 6 words.
    • Number of faculty is an integer in the range of 0 - 100
    • Number of undergraduates is an integer in the range of 0 - 1000
    • Number of graduates is an integer in the range of 0 - 300
    • Primarily udnergrad, Gradute, and Doctorate are the three options for the drop down.
  • If the form is correct, redirect the user to a "success" page
  • If the form is incorrect, modify the page so that an appropriate error message appears in red next to the invalid element

In addition your assignment must:

To hand in this assignment: