CpSc 217 - Structured and Dynamic Web Programmings
Create a page that creates a grading rubric for assignments. The page should
assist the instructor by first asking what course they are creating
a rubric for, popping up a new window with that courses objectives in it,
creating a table for the instructor to place assessment criteria in,
and then placing the generated rubric in a new window.
Use a form for entering rubric information.
Make sure you name
the data ObjNumi, CrsObji, AsgnObji, Rangei. With a maximum of 6 rows
Code a function that is called when "lookup" is clicked. It should pop up a new window with the outcomes for the course in it
Assume the files are all named "correctly" - Outcomes are all in:
cs.sru.edu/dept/courses and named 14xxx.html where xxx is the course number.