CpSc 217 - Structured and Dynamic Web Programming
The notes found on these pages all reference the textbook given above.
Unless otherwise stated, the citation of the information on these web pages
is that text.
Part 1 - Document Structure and traversal
Recall "get" methods
- getElementById("ID")
- getElementById
- getElementsByName("Name")
- getElementsByTagName("p")
- document.all[] - collection of all elements
- Also, can select elements by CSS Class in HTML 5
- getElementsByClassName("warning")
- Try it
Tree of Nodes
Part 2 - Forms
- form object has properties such as name and elements array
- See page 397 for an example of for elements or:
Radio buttons, check boxes
- Event handlers for forms include:
- onclick - mouse click
- onchange - triggered when value is changed and user moves focus to
another form element
- onfocus - triggered when user moves focus to form element
- onblur - triggered when form element loses focus
- Hidden elements can be used on forms to transmit data to the server
- Consider these two functions for form validation:
function report(element, event) {
if ((element.type == "select-one")) || (element.type == "select-multiple")){
value=" ";
for (var i = 0; i < element.options.length; i++)
if (element.options[i].selected)
value += element.options[i].value = " ";
else if (element.type =="textarea")
value = "...";
value = element.value;
var msg= event + ": " + element.name + ' (' + value + ')\n';
var t = element.form.textarea;
t.value = t.value + msg;
function addhandlers(f){
//loop through all elements of form
for (var i=0; i < f.elements.length; i++){
var e = f.elements[i];
e.onclick = function () { report (this, 'Click'); }
e.onchange = function () { report (this, 'Change'); }
e.onfocus = function () { report (this, 'Focus'); }
e.onblur = function () { report (this, 'Blur'); }
e.onselect = function () { report (this, 'Select'); }
- the report function receives an element object (called from addhandlers
function) and uses object attributes to work for all form elements
- Lets try it
- Some help
- Solution
- Multiple forms on the page can be accessed by the builtin forms array
- document.forms[0] is first form on the page
- document.forms.length is the number of forms on the page
Using setTimeout (and setInterval) can be used for animating. SetInterval
isn't very reliable, though.
Part 3 - Dynamic Change to document Structure
Creating, Inserting, and Deleting Nodes
- Create nodes using createElement
- var s=document.createElement("script");
- then append or insert the node
- Inserting Nodes (page 383)
- ElementNode.appendChild(node)
- ElementNode.insertBefore(node)
- Removing and Replacing Nodes (page 384)
- n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
- oldNode.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode,oldNode)
- Document Fragment
- document.createDocumentFragment();
- See Example 15-6, page 386. notice insertAdjacentHTML
Document and Element Geometry and Scrolling
- X,Y coordinates is in pixels. Upper left is 0,0
- Difference between document coordinates and viewport coordinates. Document
coordinates don't take scrolling into account, but viewport coordinates
- document X coordinate of 400 and user scrolls 100 pixels, then viewport
coordinate is 500 pixels.
- pageXOffset and pageYOffset can be used to determine scrollbar positions
- Viewport size of window w:
- w.innerWidth and w.innerHeight
- Using innerWidth
- getBoundingClientRect() returns object with attributes: width, height, right,
left, top, and bottom
- scrollLeft and scrollTop properties can be set to make browser scroll
- Earlier methods scrollTo() and scroll() takes X,Y in document coordinates
and sets these as scrollbar offsets
- HTML elements have these properties
- offsetWidth, offsetHeight, offsetLeft, offsetTop, offsetParent
- clientWidth, clientHeight, clientLeft, clientTop
- scrollWidth, scrollHeight, scrollLeft, scrollTop