Due: Feb 1st
15 Points
This program is intended to help you refresh your memory with
programming in C++ and consists only of concepts from 146. You must follow these directions and NOT use string libraries or any string functions.
Write a C++ program that will compile and run in Eclipse.
In general, the program will read 3 characters from the user and search
a pre-defined array of characters for the 3 characters.
- It must compile and run in Eclipse
- Your name must be in C++ documentation at the start of the code
- You must use function prototypes
- The purpose of each function must be documented prior to the function
- Any non-meaningful variable must be declared.
- The Array to be searched must be declared in the main program
- The size of the array to be searched must be defined as a global constant
- Function must be called to initialize the array of size 16 to be searched
- The search array contains these letters:
a b c a a b b a a a a b a a c a
- The main program is to ask the user for 3 characters
- A function must be used to search the above array for the
3 characters without using any built-in string functions.
- If the 3 characters are found, print: 3 chars found at
location index into the array
- where 3 chars are the 3 characters entered by the user
- If the 3 characters are not found, print: 3 chars not found
- Sample Output
The assignment is due at the beginning of
the class.
Submit the code and the output to the ReviewProgram dropbox on D2L