246 Spring 2023
CPSC 246 Advanced Programming Principles: C++
Study Guide
- 2 Dimensional arrays - coding
- declaring
- passing to a function
- accessing by row/column
- Bounds checking
- Vectors - Multiple Choice
- Declaring
- .at method
- .size method
- .push_back method
- .pop_back method
- Searching and Sorting
- Binary Search Technique - how many comparisons?
- Sequential Search technique - how many comparisons?
- Bubble sort technique - show how it works by providing the values at the end of each pass
- Selection sort technique - show how it works by providing the values at the end of each pass
- Pointers - Multiple Choice
- Declaring
- dereferencing
- address operator
- Pointer arithmetic
- Size of value being pointed to
- Strings and characters - Multiple Choice and Fill in the blank
- Declaring c-strings
- End of string character
- Using pointers to access c-strings
- Character functions (isdigit, is alpha,...)
- String compares (REMEBER THAT 'Z' < 'a' and "90" > "100")
- Streams - Multiple Choice
- Declare files
- Open files
- eof method
One programming problem using a selection one or more of: 2D arrays, Vectors, and Strings.