Write a complete Java program that inputs the Cleveland Browns Roster
into an appropriate data structure and produces a sorted list of the roster based on
user's input. Ask the user if they want the data sorted by first name, last name, player number,
age, weight, or College.
- Use the scanner class to input the data
- Use an array to hold the data (assume a MAX size of 100)
- Sort the data on demand with a selection sort for "string" data (i.e., if the user
decides to sort by first name, last name, or College)
and with a bubble sort for integer data (player number, age or weight)
- NOTE - code is available in your book
- Person class for a baseball player - Chapter 2, page 65
- selection sort and bubble sort code - Chapter 3 AND in my
folder on cpscstorage for chapter 3
- Algorithm Requirements (50%)
- Used 2 different sort
- Use 1 compare function
- User selection of what to sort on
- Java Mechanics Requirements (25%)
- Read from file using Scanner, correctly detecting eof,
- Communication Requirements (25%)
- Removed default documentation
- Name is commented
- Meaningful variable,object, and method names or documentation of variable names
- Menu of options easy to read
- Clear directions for user