CpSc 374
Paper on sorting experimentation

You are to devise an experimental design for testing and analyzing the O() running time of a sort discussed in class.

We claim to know how long the three sort algorithms from Chapter 3 and one sort from Chapter 5 will take (for some N and some "condition" of the data). Design a set of experiments using the Scientific Method for testing your hypotheses (for all four sorts) of the O() running time. Any science prof, book on experimental design, your old science fair guide, ... should refresh your memory on the REQUIRED steps in the Scientific Method.

Your paper will describe your experiment and the results

Program considerations

  1. Introduction
    Begin your paper by fully describing (with references) your experiment
  2. Background
    Describe the research methodology that you used, the refernces that you analyzed and evaluated, and any other requisite knowledge that a sophomore in computer science would need to understand your experiment, results, and conclusions
  3. Experimental Design. Sub-sections should be considered here for
    each step taken
    issues encountered
  4. Results and Conclusions

Technical Requirements

One paper for the group is to be written and placed in the D2L dropbox. Software for plagiarism scanning will be used. Make sure to use quotation marks as necessary for references. A hard copy is also to be printed and handed in.