In this assignment you are to implement your own binary tree to compute
Dailey's Numbers
The first the numbers in the sequence are: 1 2 3
Start a tree rooted at 3
The user will enter an integer between 2 and 26 that you are to use as the tree depth.
Provide a menu interface so that the user can select preorder, inorder,
or post order traversal of the tree.
Output the selected order
Place this menu in a loop so the user can repeatedly select an order
For each number in the tree, determine how may times it appears in the tree
For a tree of depth 6, this is the correct answer:
Missing: 23 28 32 33 Counts 1: 1 2: 1 3: 1 4: 1 5: 1 6: 1 7: 2 8: 1 9: 1 10: 3 11: 2 12: 1 13: 2 14: 2 15: 3 16: 2 17: 3 18: 2 19: 3 20: 1 21: 3 22: 4 23: 0 24: 7 25: 2 26: 4 27: 4 28: 0 29: 3 30: 1 31: 2 32: 0 33: 0 34: 1