Javascript Samples

document.write and if
var numhours = 11;

alert ("hello");
if (numhours >=12) 
	document.write("Good Afternoon");
else {
	document.write ("Good Morning");
timeout and document.bgColor
Example Using timeout

	document.write ("hello");
	setTimeout( "document.bgColor =\"blue\"", 1500);
	setTimeout( "document.bgColor =\"red\"", 2000);
	setTimeout( "document.bgColor =\"green\"", 2500);
	setTimeout( "document.bgColor =\"orange\"", 3000);
Window.prompt and parseInt
prompt and adding
   var firstNumber,   // first string entered by user
       secondNumber,  // second string entered by user
       number1,       // first number to add
       number2,       // second number to add
       sum;           // sum of number1 and number2

   // read in first number from user as a string
   firstNumber = window.prompt( "Enter first integer", "0" );

   // read in second number from user as a string
   secondNumber = window.prompt( "Enter second integer", "0" );

   // convert numbers from strings to integers
   number1 = parseInt( firstNumber ); 
   number2 = parseInt( secondNumber );

   // add the numbers
   sum = number1 + number2;

   // display the results
   document.writeln( "<H1>The sum is " + sum + "</H1>" );

date object, if, alert, string methods
Example of Date for IE
 var dateandtime;		//hold the date and the time
 var hours;				//just the hours
 var today;				// just the date
 dateandtime=new Date();		// built-in date object
 hours=dateandtime.getHours();	// built-in getHours method
 today = dateandtime.toLocaleString();	// convert to extract
 today = today.substring(0,10);  		// extract just the date
 alert ("Today's date is "+today+"");
 document.write("Welcome <br>")
  if (hours >=12) {
 	document.write("Good Afternoon");
 	document.write("Good Morning");
Date methods
Example of Date for any Browser
// This program is a sample of extracting the date for any browser
// Dr. Deborah Whitfield
// Cpsc130

 var dateandtime;		//hold the date and the time
 var hours;				//just the hours
 var day;				// just the day
 var month;				// jsut the month
 var year				// the year
 dateandtime=new Date();		// built-in date object
 hours=dateandtime.getHours();	// built-in getHours method
 month = dateandtime.getMonth()+ 1;	// built-in getMonth method 
 day = dateandtime.getDate();	// built-in getDate method
 year = dateandtime.getFullYear();	// built-in getYear method
 alert ("Today's date is "+ month + '/' + day + '/' + year);
 document.write("Welcome <br>")
  if (hours >=12) {
 	document.write("Good Afternoon");
 	document.write("Good Morning");
Timeout, date methods, string methods
Example timeout and date
 var dateandtime;		//hold the date and the time
 var hours;				//just the hours
 var today;				// just the date
 dateandtime=new Date();		// built-in date object
 hours=dateandtime.getHours();	// built-in getHours method
 setTimeout("document.bgColor = \"red\"", 500);
 setTimeout("document.bgColor= \"white\"", 1000);
 setTimeout("document.bgColor = \"blue\"", 1500);
 setTimeout("document.bgColor = \"white\"",2000);
 setTimeout("document.bgColor = \"green\"", 2500);
 setTimeout("document.bgColor = \"white\"", 3000);
 setTimeout("document.bgColor = \"blanchedalmond\"", 3500);
 today = dateandtime.toLocaleString();	// convert to extract
 today = today.substring(0,10);  		// extract just the date
 alert ("Today's date is "+today+"");
 document.write("Welcome <br>")
  if (hours >=12) {
 	document.write("Good Afternoon");
 	document.write("Good Morning");
if statement
Comparison and tables
	var num1,
	num1 = window.prompt ("Enter 1st number", "0");
	num2 = window.prompt ("Enter 2nd number", "0");
	document.writeln ("<TABLE border='1' width = '100%'>");
	if ( num1 == num2 ) 
		document.write ("<tr><td>They are equal
		document.write ("<tr><td>not equal
	if (num1 < num2)
		document.write ("<tr><td>num1 smaller
	if (num1 > num2)
		document.write ("<tr><td>num1 bigger
	if (num1 < num2)
		document.write ("<tr><td>num1 less than or equal
	if (num1 >= num2)
		document.write ("<tr><td>num1 greater than or equal
	document.writeln ("<Table>");