Due: September 20th
20 Points
The objective of this assignment is to format text vertically, use links, and
use lists.
You will create a new page that is a recipe for a Movie Night
This page will link use your last assignment.
- copy your last assignment to a new space (you will be
modifying it). You should copy it to Assign2 Folder
- Create your Movie recipe page (call it recipe.html)
- The following 4 screen shots are all of the same .html file
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
Version 4
- There are no font changes on the page (ie, no <pre> preformatted text).
- The entire recipe page is shown in two images as given above
- The second set of images shows the layout in a narrow window
- So that you don't have to type the recipe, its is linked
- NEW!!!
Link to popcorn pic
- Create a link on the front page
of your last assignment (Assign1) after the
romance category to link to this newly created popcorn recipe
- Find two other popcorn recipes on the web(on different servers) and include them on
the recipe page
Each of the links must include a title and a target - recipes should appear in independent windows (so I can see three at once)
- Need some help on how to open in a new page?
W3schools.com is a great site for help.
- Add a link at the bottom of the recipe page to return to the top of the page
- Need some help? View the source of this page. This link takes you to the top of this
- Add another link to return to your Best Movies home page
- For each movie,
- try to find an official movie site. Link to the official site, or put a statement in that says "official site not found". Use a target window named "output".
- Try to find the movie in Wikipedia.org or IMDB.com and link to it. If you can't find it on either, use any reasonable discussion of the movie. Use a target window named "output".
- Add a link to each of the movie category files (Drama, Comedy, etc.) that links back to the Best Movie home page.
You need to consider where to put each link and what the link text should say. All links must have an appropriate title.
Note even if all links are clicked, at most 3 new windows are created (two for the recipes, and one for all "off site" pages.
The assignment is due at the beginning of the class. Hand in
the printed code (from the front page only) that is documented with your name.
In addition, place your code named assign2.html
in your cpscstorage02 Assign 2 folder so that I can grade them.
Make sure you place any images the page uses in the Assign 2 folder.