Homework 4
Due: September 30th
10 points
This homework is to
show your abilities in CSS. You will be re-doing
homework 1 using CSS
so that it looks good on the S8.
Redo Assignment 1 using CSS rather than a table:
- Assume your screen is at least 320x568 (iPhone 5)
- The screen may be as large as 1920x1280
- Use floating divs for each of the cells in a row.
- These "cells" should be the same height - change image size as necessary,
but allow for images as large as 300x300
- The center "cell" should be approximately twice as big as each of the
two outer cells
- Try to make the layout look like three things that go together (a “row” that might turn into a “column”) followed by the next three things.
- The links need to be complete - don't shorten the text
- The links must work on the cell phon
To hand in the assignment, move all components of the Phonegap structure to the homework4 dropbox on D2L.
Zip the entire Phonegap structure - make sure both the zip file and the project
name are short.