2021 Conference April 9 & 10




PACISE 2021 - Awards

Best Papers

Faculty: Dale Parson, Kutztown Univetsity
Simulated Contact Tracing of Covid-19 Propagation at Anonymous University for Fall 2020

Graduate student: Prathyusha Dongari and Richard J. Burns, West Chester University
Statewise Twitter Sentiment Analysis of 2020 US Presidential Election Using Apache Spark

Undergraduate student: Tyler Clark, Kevin Codd, and Linh B. Ngo, West Chester University
Studying Break-in Attempts across Multiple Servers Using Apache Spark and Security Logs

Programming Contest

1st place: Amy Burnett, Sean Malloy, and John Hynes
Millersville University of Pennsylvania

2nd place: Christopher Carroll and John Winward
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

3rd place: Mary Bauman, Trush Patel, and Kevin Codd
West Chester University of Pennsylvania









Site By: Brooklynn Hauck