Math 131 - Discrete Mathematics
Fall 2024 Main Page

Dr. J. Lyn Miller, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Slippery Rock University                        

TENTATIVE Daily Calendar

The listings below are TENTATIVE as we start the semester.
Info is updated AFTER we meet each day, to show correct, confirmed content titles, announcements, and assignments.
CLICK each date to see the complete list of assigned reading, HW, etc. for that day.
Aug. 26 - Course Intro, and Logic
(Nothing due today)
Aug. 28 - Logic
(HW #1 due today in class)
Aug. 30 - Logic
(HW #2 due today in class)
Sept. 2 - Labor Day
No SRU classes today
Sept. 4 - Logic
(HW #3 due today in class)
Sept. 6 - Logic
(HW #4 due today in class)
Sept. 9 Logic
(HW #5 due today in class)
Sept. 11 - Logic
(HW #6 due today in class)
Sept. 13 - Logic
(HW #7 due today in class)
Sept. 16 - Logic
(HW #8 due today in class)
Sept. 18 - Logic
(HW #9 due today in class)
Sept. 20 - Logic
(HW #10 due today in class)
Sept. 23 - Logic
(HW #11 due today in class)
Sept. 25 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(Nothing is due today in class)
Sept. 27 - Exam #1
(Link opens Topics List, live 9/20)
Sept. 30 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(HW #12 due today in class)
Oct. 2 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(HW #13 due today in class)
Oct. 4 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(HW #14 due today in class)
Oct. 7 - Fall Break
No SRU classes today
Oct. 9 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(HW #15 due today in class)
Oct. 11 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(HW #16 due today in class)
Oct. 14 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(HW #17 due today in class)
Oct. 16 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(HW #18 due today in class)
Oct. 18 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(HW #19 due today in class)
Oct. 21 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(HW #20 due today in class)
Oct. 23 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(HW #21 due today in class)
Oct. 25 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(Nothing due today in class)
Oct. 28 - Exam #2 (TENTATIVE)
(Exam may be pulled back to Oct. 25)
(Link opens Topics List, live 10/21)
Oct. 30 - Sets, Functions, and Relations
(HW #22 due today in class)
Nov. 1 - Sequences
(HW #23 due today in class)
Nov. 4 - Sequences
(HW #24 due today in class)
Nov. 6 - Sequences
(HW #25 due today in class)
Nov. 8 - Sequences
(HW #26 due today in class)
Nov. 11 - Sequences
(HW #27 due today in class)
Nov. 13 - Sequences/Counting
(HW #28 due today in class)
Nov. 15 - Counting
(HW #29 due today in class)
Nov. 18 - Counting
(HW #30 due today in class)
Nov. 20 - Counting
(HW #31 due today in class)
Nov. 22 - Counting
(Nothing due today in class)
Nov. 25 - Exam #3 (TENTATIVE!)
(Exam may be pulled back to Nov. 22)
(Link opens Topics List, live 11/18)
Nov. 27 - Thanksgiving Break
No SRU classes today
Nov. 29 - Thanksgiving Break
No SRU classes today
Dec. 2 - Counting
(HW #32 due today in class)
Dec. 4 - Counting
(HW #33 due today in class)
Dec. 6 - Counting
(HW #34 due today in class)
Dec. 9 - Review - Last day of classes
(Nothing due today in class)
Final Exam dates are NOT tentative.
You MUST take the Final Exam
at the SRU-scheduled time.
FRIDAY, Dec. 13, 8:00-10:00 am
Final Exam
(Link opens Topics List, goes live Dec. 2)


    Course Information   
    Current Semester   

  • Dr. Miller's Office Hours, Contact Info
  • Course Syllabus (link is live by Aug. 26)
  • Policy on solutions to assignments and exams
  • Exam Topics Lists
  • Selected Past Exams and Solutions
  • Direct link to full Daily Task list