Slippery Rock University Cpsc 207
Course Schedule
Go Browns!

Week 1 Syllabus
Please review these topics prior to the second day of class MS Powershell - Windows; System32; WindowsPowerShell
Windows Scripting
Chapter 1 from Das text
Week 2 DOS quiz
Getting Started with Unix
Unix Help
unix basics
Unix Quiz
the script command
Week 3 LAB:Trying unix basics
Chapter 2 from DAS text and Chapter 3 from DAS text will be covered together
File Redirection ( <, >, >>, |)
script from a class session - will view in notepad
wc character count difference
Week 4 Chapter 4 from DAS text
Review Lab
We are done with the basics!! Lets start programming!!
Sample Script
Week 5 Sequential Scripting examples
Scripting Practice
Sample Exam 1 from Fall '11 in MS Word
Week 6 Exam 1 : Tentatively Feb 24
Week 7 Chapter 6 from DAS text
Write a program that requests a pattern to search for and a location to search
Chapter 13 from DAS text
Week 8 Extended Spring Break
Week 9 Extended Spring Break
Week 10 March 30th
Week 11 April 6 th
Week 12 April 13 th
Week 13 April 20 th
Week 14 April 27 th
Week 15 May 4th
Final Exam May 8th 1:00pm
Exam 3 Study guide
Spring 2011 Exam 3