CpSc 215 Cross-Platform Mobile App Development
Fall 2019

Homeworks, Assignments, and Project
11. December 11th 120 points Project Project Help Presentation Guidelines
10. November 20th 20 points iPad Assignment
9. November 13th 20 points API APP
8. November 6th 10 points Accelerometer Homework
7. November 1st 10 points Camera-CSS Assignment
6. October 30th 10 points File Homework
5. October 14th 10 points Github Homework
4. September 30th 10 points -CSS Homework
3. September 25th 20 points LIFE Assignment
2. September 13th 10 points Homework 2: Javascript Review
1. September 6th 10 points Homework 1: HTML Review

Course Information

Weekly Notes
Course Resources
cpscsstorage drive
Javascript reference

Chapter 1: Introduction to PhoneGap
Chapter 2: Building First PhoneGap App
Chapter 3: Mobile Frameworks
Chapter 4: Plugins
Chapter 5: Device Storage and Files
Chapter 6: Contacts and Camera APIs
Chapter 7: Accessing the Device Sensors and Locations API